First Letter in Name

According to astrology, each letter in the name has a special meaning that describes a person's behavior and character.

Letter in Name Meaning
A Goal-oriented, yearning, bold, and freethinking
B Sensitive
C Instinct
D Grounded and pragmatic
E Independent
F Nurtural, realistic, and responsible
G Active and action-oriented
H Imaginative, creative, Inventive, and innovative
I Caring, sensitive, kind-hearted
J Friendly, makes a lot of friends, and keep all friends happy
K Knowledgeable, aware, and educated
L Overthinkers, and think lots rather than experience the situations
M Hard worker, healthy, and energatic
N Creative, original, and think outside the box' of kind
O Opportunity grabber
P Knowledgable and intellectual
Q Wealth lover
R Feel things deeply
S Charmer
T Likes life in the fast lane
U Have a give-and-take kind of life
V Have great intuition
W Think from the gut and have a great sense of purpose
X Creative & sensual who engages with people easily
Y Freedom-loving and like to break rules
Z Naturally upbeat and charismatic